SANS | Music





 are fast and loud and girly and synthy, bursting with guitar hooks and party beats.

Amanda Norman and Stacey Cicivelli, life-long friends and musical partners, have survived various incarnations of various bands long enough to hone the sound they feel in their hearts and feet to a sharp point. Luckily, drummer Frank Morda (Ceres) and bass player Brendan Aked (Vallee) share the feeling.

All four have been seized by a passion to front the SANS intense indie pop sound, unashamedly fun with no hangups about late 80s pop pretensions, nor bleeding eardrums, nor requests from listeners to ‘slow down’.

Proud children of the Melbourne indie scene, Amanda and Stacey met sometime in the distant mists of high school. Song after song emerged from old acoustic guitars, crappy synths, plastic drums; then onto beat up laptops and terrible amps. Happy now in the grownup world (with the occasional loving screaming match), they took to the stages. Along the way, Frank and Brendan entered their orbit, and stayed for the ride.

Love these lovely ladies. Check out their debut EP below and support! x/o
