Jemima Hand – Creator of JEMIMASARA Empowering Women Through Designs & Illustrations


Jemima Hand, the creator of JEMIMASARA, is an Artist, Illustrator, Designer and Sculptor living and working in London & Shropshire, UK.

From studying Puppetry at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, her work seeks to find realism within the female form. She takes influences from the Renaissance divine, Henri Matisse and the pin-up ladies of the 1920’s. These influences have created her vision for her ‘The Martini Lifestyle’.

The illustrations, drawings and paintings she creates are her own interpretation of how she feels the female body should be observed today and relating to how women have been and still are manipulated and controlled, much like puppets.

JEMIMASARA wants to empower women to free themselves of boundaries imposed by modern life through her illustrations and designs.

Support this amazing babe and her talented work!
