Claire Gorman is a 24-year-old filmmaker who lives on Phillip Island, in Victoria. In her last year of high school, Claire made a documentary based on the surfers of Phillip Island titled, Liquid Pictures. Liquid Pictures was aired on Channel 31’s ‘Soul Water Surf’ and was selected for The South Gippsland Youth Film Festival. After graduating high school in 2005, Claire traveled the world, gaining inspiration and motivation to start her first feature film, First Love, which she directed, filmed and co-edited. In between making First Love, she landed herself a job as a camera assistant, working alongside world-renowned wildlife cinematographer, David Parer. David taught Claire everything she would have learnt in a classroom, and much more. First Love went on to have a theatrical release with Village Roadshow in Australia in 2011, where it played in 30 cinemas around the country. It was selected for a number of film festivals around the world and won Best Documentary at the X-Dance Film Festival in Utah, where Claire also picked up the award for Emerging Filmmaker. Her short film Eddie which captures some of the action and the magic from the 2009 Quicksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau at Waimea Bay premiered in Hawaii at the North Shore Film Festival in late 2010, and has since been selected for a number of surf film festivals around the world. She is now working on her next feature focusing on women’s big wave surfing. Claire’s passion is to reach out to people with a powerful story and a strong positive message through film. In the future, she hopes to continue to be creative in her ideas, display beautiful images through her cinematography and weave together stories through both directing and editing.